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Helping YOU use your voice

to tell YOUR story...

YOUR way...

in YOUR words

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Welcome to Your Writing Table, where we provide BEST-SELLING premium, professional editing and book-writing services! We are here to help you tell YOUR story the way you want the world to read it! We also service international (outside of the US) clients as well!

(And we are the PROUD sponsors of an AMAZING podcast! See below...) 


Whether you are a 1st time author or it's your 10th book... if it is a single book or a multi-person collaboration/anthology... or you only need editing assistance with your project, we will help you from start to finish or wherever you are in your writing process!


Our team is dedicated to providing each client with one on one individual attention to be sure your project is just as you envision it...

from front cover to back cover, first page to the last page!


  We also offer:

  • Editing (developmental, line, copy editing & more)

  • Transcription (audio & video)

  • Content creation

  • Book formatting & page layout

  • Ghostwriting

  (see the SERVICES tab for more info)

I believe there is a story inside of you...
A story that is filled with hope, laced with inspiration & excited to encourage. Whether it's business, fiction, poetry or a memoir...  
I can't wait to help you find your voice and let it speak FREELY to  the world!

They need  to hear from YOU...

Your Writing Table has a seat for you!  - Chelsia



Get ready to embark on a journey that is specifically designed to make you stop and REALLY think about your level of faith. You're going to learn:

*What faith is & how critical it is in your Christian walk

*How & why it’s important to find your purpose

*How to stay focused on your journey & not give up

*How faith is the key to the success of business-building & growth

*How to remove your UNBELIEF to become UNBOTHERED





Digital Downloads available NOW!!!


We are so excited to bring digital downloads to you! From learning how to recognize  & work through writer's block to using our fool-proof chart to help narrow down your ideas, these digital products will help you start your writing project or take your current project to the next level!


The best part??? You will be able to print immediately or view from your phone/laptop anytime!


CLICK HERE for details!!

YWT's podcast wants YOU!!


Attention all women writers!

*Have you written a book?

*Are you currently writing a book?

If you said YES to either of those questions, we want to hear from you! 


If you would like to be a guest on our show, or you know someone who might be interested, click on the link below to schedule a call! We would love to talk with you!

Stay tuned...
Calendar will re-open March 2025!

The show where we talk about ALL

things writing and editing from a woman's perspective!

Click HERE to listen to all episodes!

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Follow us on SPOTIFY!

table writing tips...

YWT's owner, Chelsia McCoy,  had the pleasure of being interviewed on Open Book Publishing's "Dear Author" Lunch & Learn series. In this snippet, Janee Brown and I talk about editing price points and what writers need to pay attention to when looking for an editor.

It is important to pay attention to the rates that are provided and it is OKAY to ask questions!! When hiring an editor, their rates must fit in your budget. 

Know the difference between a rate based on "per word" vs "per page." It makes a HUGE difference when it comes to cost.


There's nothing better than a satisified client.

You're wondering about joining us at Your Writing Table?

The clients can tell you  themselves!

See more Testimonials -click HERE!




You read the book, now watch the video documentary on Amazon Prime Video!


Click on the image to be directed to Amazon Prime Video!

YWT's CEO/owner, Chelsia McCoy, shares some life-changing events in this awesome documentary adapted from the book. Chelsia, along with 17 other women, boldly tell their stories to encourage and promote confidence to stand in their truth. Even though they experienced trauma, their tears did not override their triumph!


Click here to purchase the book!


Your Writing Table wants to help you get your book written!

Do you have editing or transcription questions?  

Not sure about your book topic or idea?

Would you like to book Chelsia for your next event/workshop?

Contact us if you have questions!


Phone: 832-334-2706



Thank you for connecting!

© 2025 by Your Writing Table, Houston TX USA

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